Saturday, May 21, 2011

Little Doodles

Some childlike fun today, a few face painting designs plus a couple random images (feet and rainbow jello). All colored pencil, and just a little silly. This took me less than 20 minutes, maybe 15-17 min. or so.

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Smudge just seems like an appropriate cutesy name for a 20 minute drawn dragon. Pencil, pen and watercolor, approx. 5 1/2 x 8". Other than the fact that I've always loved fantasy art; dragons, fairies, enchanted castles and whathaveyou, can't say exactly why a dragon popped into my sketchbook tonight. I really like her, though. She might inspire a really neat little embroidery at some point, especially with metallic thread or fibers incorporated into it.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Tiny House

I've been enjoying working from photos the last few days, and here's another one inspired by an old reference photo. Little cottages, cute doors, windows with shutters, all of which I find very charming. Pen and watercolor, 5 1/2" x 7". I would have liked more time than 20 minutes on this one, but mainly because the bushes are too amorphous. And really, I just like the word amorphous.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Woodland Glade

If all the rain we've been having has a purpose, perhaps it is to beget lush woodlands filled with a variety of foliage and fungus, including adorable mushrooms like these. I found the neat photo of this scene in one of my albums, and was again delighted to use inspiration from my own forgotten sources. So, in 20 minutes here I aspired to convey the dimension of the mushrooms amidst the complicated background of moss, rich earth, sticks and twigs. Watercolor and water soluble crayon, 5 1/2" x 8".